Saw Sebastian Maniscalco (@S_Maniscalco) perform this weekend. Funniest comedian I've seen in a long, long time!
If there was a radio station that played the theme song from The Jeffersons on repeat, it’d be about a week and a half before I changed the channel. (Actually, there is such a thing…it’s called my iPod.)
To help you through your Monday, click the link below...if you're physically able to sit and listen to this and re...sist singing, dancing, moving, clapping your hands, or lip synching to "fish don't fry in the kitcheeeeeeeeoooooooowwwwwwnnnnnnnn, beans don't burn on the greeeeeeeeeeeeelllllll" then I'll give you a hundred bucks*
*I won't actually
Speaking of…we all know that it is indisputable that "The Jeffersons" is the best TV theme song in history. So I ask, what is the SECOND best TV theme song of all time??? (Cheers? Kotter? Sanford and Son?)
What's your most interesting celebrity encounter? Does it top me seeing Mr. Miyagi, Pat Morita, in an elevator in San Fran?
The "Life is Good" Festival was held in nearby Mass. this weekend with Ben Harper, Guster, Jason Mraz, Ziggy...a tempting bill, but I didn't go. I'd already bought tickets to the "Life's Been Pretty Crappy Lately" Festival in Cleveland next weekend. The Cure, The Smiths, MC Hammer...
YOUR AYOUB CHALLENGE FOR THE WEEKEND: To use the word “necking” straight-faced in a conversation. The only rule is, you can’t reference Happy Days. Report back the reactions you get on Monday.
I wanted to go to this show. I didn't. I regret it. (By the way, when I sing along to Da Doo Ron Ron, which I do almost daily, I use "Phil" instead of "Bill" just like you do...)
Jenny Dee
When I see five weirdos, dressed in togas, stabbing a man in the middle of the park in full view of a hundred people, I shoot the bastards. That's MY policy!
I'm not sure if I love this song yet, but I definitely like it today. Jesse Malin "Burning the Bowery." On ♫
I apologize to anyone who has gotten spam emails from his Yahoo account about Viagra and other crap. I must have some sort of virus (on my computer, I mean). Having said that, I don't believe in accidents and think everything happens for a reason. Therefore if you did get a Viagra link, then maybe its about time you loo...k to those blue pills for a little extra juice, if you know what I mean...
Someone just asked me "Are you 'The Waffle?'" Wish I knew what would have happened if I said yes.
A former Britney Spears' bodyguard has sued her for sexual harrasment, claiming she subjected him to "unwanted sexual advances."
What does that mean???
Oh, understand that he's suing her and all...I just don't understand the term "unwanted sexual advances." Is that English??? :)
(Anyone know how to update a resume that hasn't been changed in 5 years?)
There's no excuse for what he did,but the way Donte Stallworth has dealt with things helps restore faith in people.
I don't really comprehend the whole "Justin Long as leading man" era we seemingly have just embarked on.
I wonder if people still use Binaca. And if so, is it considered socially acceptable, or is it too "Jack Tripper?"
RT @picktoclick: @Uncleshag @philayoub Phil Ayoub"s "Lying and Stealing" played on Longtown Sound Podcast
Question: Is there a point in the day where if you haven't brushed your teeth yet, you just shouldn't bother until tomorrow, or before bed tonight? I'm not saying its ME! Just asking...
Beautiful song written by my friend Helene Cronin: "Lucky Me"-A tribute to service men and women.
I know you need this today...and deep down YOU know you need this today. Happy September! (And yes, I have that outfit...)
Happy 200th episode to the Mothpod! I'm proud to have an old school track on this one...and proud to be a Mothmaniac!
The Mothpod 200th Episode
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